
Belmont 16’s Greg Sumner wins Newcastle 6-Red Snooker

Belmont 16′ Sailing Club hosted the 2018 Newcastle Handicap 6-Red Snooker Tournament and was won by one of the clubs home players, Greg Sumner. Greg defeated Cessnock Comets Peter Agland in the final 4-1. A big thank you to NDBSA Committee Members Ian Callaghan, Chris Mungoven and Grant Schubert for running. This tournament also saw the introduction to the Proscore system which is a scoring system that can be viewed on a large television display and online streaming. Thank you to the Belmont 16′ Sailing Club for provided the excellent venue for the tournament.

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Belmont 16’s Greg Sumner wins Newcastle 6-Red Snooker Read More »

Eric Cairns wins NDBSA 14 & under Handicap Snooker Event

Congratulations to Belmont 16′ Sailing Club’s Eric Cairns who defeated Kahibah Sport’s Eric Bauer in the Newcastle District Handicap Tournament (14 & under). Eric Bauer off minus 20 played consistently all weekend but 24 start to Eric Cairns (+4) proved too much losing 3-2 in a hard fought final. Eric Cairns also shared the high break prize with Mayfield Bowling Club’s Nick Waymouth. Special thanks to  East Cessnock Bowling Club for hosting the event, Committee Members Annette Clifford, Chris Mungoven and Grant Schubert for running the event and Vince Miranda for doing a fantastic job in making sure the tables were in fantastic condition.

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Eric Cairns wins NDBSA 14 & under Handicap Snooker Event Read More »