Premier League Preliminary Final
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The 2018-19 Lightning Billiards will start on Monday 27th August 2018. Please find the draw here, and the starting handicaps here.
2018-19 Lightning Billiards starts 27/8/18 Read More »
The NDBSA is continuing to have trouble with player’s implementation of the foul and miss rule in the Tony Tamplin Shield. After looking at what other Associations are doing the Committee has come up with, what we believe, is the best amendment that will take out all subjectivity and result in a consistent adaptation that will limit the ongoing problems with how this rule is implemented.
From Wednesday the 22nd of August a four (4) week trial of the following amendment to the foul and miss rule will be implemented for all Tony Tamplin matches…
Any failure to hit the ball on will result in a “foul and miss call”. As in the WPBSA Rules the opponent will have the choice to 1/ Play from where the balls lie, 2/ send his/her opponent back in, 3/ Ask for the balls to be replaced. A subsequent failure to hit the ball on will also result in a foul and miss. If there is a clear path to the centre of ball on is available then the player will be warned that failure to hit the ball on at the third attempt will result in loss of frame. If there is only a partial part of a ball on or they are snookered the player, on his or her third attempt must play hard enough to reach the ball on and if they fail to hit the ‘ball on’ at their third attempt then only a foul will be called.
As per usual if snookers are required prior, or as a result, of the foul, no miss will be called.
After four (4) weeks trial, Tony Tamplin captains will be able to provide input about whether they would like this rule variation will continue for the rest of the Tony Tamplin Shield.
Foul and Miss Rule local rule trial Read More »
The NDBSA are pleased to announce the 2018 Billiards Handicap Tournament to be held on the weekend of the 25th and 26th of August. This tournament will again be held at the Kahibah Sport Club. Flyer can be downloaded from here.
2018 NDBSA Billiards Handicap Tournament Read More »
Congratulations to the Kahibah Sports King-Pins who defeated the Minor Premiers Kahibah Sports Cobras 2-1 to take out the 2018 Elwyn Jones Billiards Shield. The King-Pins displayed excellent form at the right time and their win was well deserved after a consistently good season. Grant Schubert had the season high break with an 86.
Kahibah Sport King-Pins win Elwyn Jones Billiards Read More »