2018 Tony Tamplin Shield starts 21st March
The 2018 Tony Tamplin Shield starts on the 21st of March. There has been some minor changes this season. See below for full details. Draw can be found here.
– Each game is the best of three frames (third frame not required if a player wins 2-0)
– One point awarded per frame won
– Two bonus points for team that wins on the night (maximum 12 points can be won on any night)
– Winner on the night is determined by game wins not frame points ( eg: Team A wins the first three
games 2-1. Team A is on 6 points Team B is on 3 points. Team B wins the last two games 2-0 which
makes the frame score Team A 6 points Team B 7 points. Team A has won the night three games to
two and gets the two bonus points. Final score Team A 8 points Team B 7 points.
– Zero points for the BYE
– Top 8 qualify for finals (NRL style format)
– No playoff matches if teams are tied at the end of the season.
– Ladder positions will be determined by
1. Total Points (For)
2. Total Wins
3. Total Points conceded (Against)
4. Countback to the winner of the last match played against each other
Missed weeks
– No games will take place on Anzac Day (25 th April), State of Origin 1 (6 th June) and State of Origin 3
(11 th July). Note: State of Origin 2 is on a Sunday night.
Prize money
– The total prize money is $2000.
– Winner $600 / Runner up $400 / Semi-Finalists $300 each / 5th & 6th $200 each
Handicaps / Game Qualification
– Handicaps are frozen for the last three rounds of the competition
– A minimum of three matches must be played prior to the freeze by any player to qualify for finals
– A player may fill in for another team up to 4 times. On the fifth occasion they will be regarded as
changing teams
– The home team is to mark all games where possible
– No cigarette breaks during a game (best of 3)
– For any questions or concerns regarding the competition please contact:
Chris Mungoven 0408 674 140 or Annette Clifford 0403 946 732
2018 Tony Tamplin Shield starts 21st March Read More »